Governor Hochul Signs NYSDA Dental Hygiene Bill Into Law

Apr 8, 2024

On May 9, 2022, Governor Hochul signed into law, as Chapter 198 of the Laws of 2022, the NYSDA dental hygiene bill to allow dental hygienists to use nitrous oxide and local infiltration anesthesia to assist dentists with all dental procedures.  A copy of the new law is below (and the bill signed into law is below that).  The law is effective immediately. 

New York State Education Law:

§ 6605-b. Dental hygiene restricted local infiltration anesthesia/nitrous oxide analgesia certificate.

1.  A dental hygienist shall not administer or monitor nitrous oxide analgesia or local infiltration anesthesia in the practice of dental hygiene without a dental hygiene restricted local infiltration anesthesia/nitrous oxide analgesia certificate and except under the personal supervision of a dentist and in accordance with regulations promulgated by the commissioner. Personal supervision, for purposes of this section, means that the supervising dentist remains in the dental office where the local infiltration anesthesia or nitrous oxide analgesia services are being performed, personally authorizes and prescribes the use of local infiltration anesthesia or nitrous oxide analgesia for the patient and, before dismissal of the patient, personally examines the condition of the patient after the use of local infiltration anesthesia or nitrous oxide analgesia is completed. It is professional misconduct for a dentist to fail to provide the supervision required by this section, and any dentist found guilty of such misconduct under the procedures prescribed in section sixty-five hundred ten of this title shall be subject to the penalties prescribed in section sixty-five hundred eleven of this title.







                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions




                                      May 12, 2021



        Introduced by Sens. HARCKHAM, GOUNARDES -- read twice and ordered print-

          ed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Higher Educa-

          tion -- recommitted to the Committee on Higher Education in accordance

          with  Senate  Rule  6,  sec.  8 -- committee discharged, bill amended,

          ordered reprinted as amended and  recommitted  to  said  committee  --

          committee  discharged,  bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and

          recommitted to said committee


        AN ACT to amend the education law, in relation to dental  hygiene  prac-

          tice and local infiltration anesthesia and nitrous oxide


          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-

        bly, do enact as follows:


  1      Section 1. Subdivision 1 of section 6605-b of the  education  law,  as

  2    added by chapter 437 of the laws of 2001, is amended to read as follows:

  3      1.  A  dental  hygienist shall not administer or monitor nitrous oxide

  4    analgesia or local infiltration anesthesia in  the  practice  of  dental

  5    hygiene   without   a   dental  hygiene  restricted  local  infiltration

  6    anesthesia/nitrous oxide analgesia  certificate  and  except  under  the

  7    personal  supervision of a dentist [and in conjunction with the perform-

  8    ance of dental hygiene procedures authorized by law] and  in  accordance

  9    with  regulations promulgated by the commissioner. Personal supervision,

10    for purposes of this section, means that the supervising dentist remains

11    in the dental office where the local infiltration anesthesia or  nitrous

12    oxide  analgesia services are being performed, personally authorizes and

13    prescribes the use of local infiltration  anesthesia  or  nitrous  oxide

14    analgesia  for  the  patient  and,  before  dismissal  of  the  patient,

15    personally examines the condition of the patient after the use of  local

16    infiltration  anesthesia  or nitrous oxide analgesia is completed. It is

17    professional misconduct for a dentist to fail to provide the supervision

18    required by this section, and any dentist found guilty of  such  miscon-

19    duct  under  the procedures prescribed in section sixty-five hundred ten

20    of this title shall be subject to the penalties  prescribed  in  section

21    sixty-five hundred eleven of this title.

22      § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.


         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets

                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

