Sponsor opportunities at NCDS virtual events
in 2020-2021
CE courses (usually Wed or Fri in the morning, or Monday thru Thursday in the evening)
50-100 attendees $250
- Your company advertisement (1-2 minute video or PowerPoint with 1-2 minute script) presented during the event for virtual courses or a table at the event for in-person courses.
- Your company name & logo on email advertisements, and your company name on website course listing, before the event.
- One-time email with your logo and message included sent to the event attendees after the event.
List of names and business addresses of attendees provided to you after the event
No other company with similar services will sponsor the same course
General Membership Meetings (Mon. March 1, May 3, Oct 4, or Nov 8, 2021, 7pm-9:30pm)
100-175 attendees $500
- Your company advertisement (1-2 minute video or PowerPoint with 1-2 minute script) presented during the virtual event or a table set up for 2 of your representatives plus dinner for an in-person event.
- Your company name & logo on email advertisements, and your company name on website event listing, before the event.
- One-time email with your logo and message included sent to all members of Nassau County Dental Society after the event.
- List of names and business addresses of attendees provided to you after the event
- No other company with similar services will sponsor the same course
If you'd like information on sponsoring an event please contact our Executive Director,
Dr. Eugene Porcelli at: eporcelli@nassaudental.org