NCDS 2025 Leadership
Elyse Patrella, DDS

Maureen Tredwell, DDS
President - Elec
Kathy Leibowitz, DDS
Vice - President
Edward Perlow, DDS
Howard Baylarian, DDS
Douglas Schildhaus, DMD
Immediate Past President
2025 Executive Board Members
The Executive Board consists of the line officers listed above as well as the "at large" members appointed by the President, listed below and the NCDS Immediate Past President, NYSDA Trustee and Bulletin Editor.
"At Large" Members:
Joseph Brofsky, DMD*
Eileen Chun, DDS
James Fitzgerald, DDS*
Albert Granger, DDS*
Charlie Hanna, DDS*
Donald Hills*
David Miller, DDS*^
Robert Peskin, DDS*
Barry Rosenberg, DDS*
Michael Shreck, DMD*
Immediate Past President:
Douglas Schildhaus, DMD*
NYSDA Trustee:
Donald Hills. DDS*
Bulletin Editor:
Donald Hills, DDS*
Board of Directors
(Term ends on Dec. 31 of year in Parenthesis)
Stephen Akseizer, DDS (2026)
Michelle Bowers, DDS (2027)
Joseph Brofsky, DMD (2026)
Jakob Charen, DMD* (2025)
Eileen Chun, DDS (2025)
Madelyn Cohn, DDS (2027)
James J. Fitzgerald, DDS* (2027)
John Gaeta, DDS (2025)
Albert Granger, DDS* (2025)
Matthew Green, DMD (2027)
Michael Hanna, DDS (2027)
Meena Jaiswal, DDS* (2026)
Sanford E. Klein, DDS^ (2026)
Unsa Malik, DDS (2027)
David J. Miller, DDS*^ (2026)
Peter A. Mychajliw, DDS (2026)
Robert M. Peskin, DDS* (2027)
Danielle Recupero, DDS (2027)
Barry Rozenberg, DDS*(2026)
Henry A. Sachs, DDS (2026)
Richard Serchuk, DDS (2025)
Michael S. Shreck, DMD*(2026)
Celia Spatt, DMD (2025)
Binod Verma, DDS*(2026)
Alternate Director
Lauren Ardizzone, DMD (2025)
NYSDA Trustee
Donald Hills, DDS* (2027)
NYSDA Delegates (2025)
Joseph Brofsky, DMD*
James Fitzgerald, DDS*
Meena Jaiswal, DDS*
Kathy Leibowitz, DDS
David Miller, DDS*^
Fabiola Milord, DDS*
Elyse Patrella, DDS
Robert Peskin, DDS*
Douglas Schildhaus, DMD*
Michael Shreck, DMD*
Maureen Tredwell, DDS
NYSDA Alternate Delegates
Stephen Akseizer, DDS*
Howard Baylarian, DDS*
Michelle Bowers, DDS
Madelyn Cohn, DDS
Matthew Green, DMD
Michael Hanna, DDS
Unsa Malik, DDS
Danielle Recupero, DDS
Howard Weiner, DDS
Binod Verma, DDS
ADA Delegates
Douglas Schildhaus, DMD* (2026)
Robert Peskin, DDS* (2027)
Meena Jaiswal, DDS* (2025)
ADA Alternate Delegates
Maureen Tredwell, DDS (2025)
Donald Hills, DDS* (2027)
Kathy Leibowitz, DDS (2025)
Bulletin Editor
Donald Hills, DDS*
* NCDS Past President
^NYSDA Past President
Council and Committee Chairs
Access to Care - James Dolin, DDS
Awards - Howard Baylarian, DDS
Constitution and Bylaws - Robert Peskin, DDS
Continuing Education - Peter Blauzvern, DDS
Dental Benefits Programs* - MAureen Tredwell, DDS
Dental Education and Licensure* - Robert Peskin, DDS
Dental Health, Health Planning & Hospital Dentistry* - David Miller, DDS
Dental Practice* - Howard Baylarian, DDS
EDPAC* - Albert Granger, DMD
Ethics* - Elyse Patrella, DDS
Finance, Budget and Audit - Howard Baylarian, DDS
GKAS - Joseph Brofsky, DMD, Michael Shreck, DMD & Doug Schildhaus, DMD (Co-Chairs)
GLIDM - Joseph Brofsky, DMD
Governmental Affairs* - Douglas Schildhaus, DMD
Membership* - James Fitzgerald, DDS
New Dentist* - Danielle Recupero
Nominations - Steven Akseizer, DDS
Peer Review* - Michael Vinciguerra, DDS
Professional Liability* - John Keene, DMD
Publications - Charlie Hanna, DDS
Substance Use Disorder and Well-Being* - Kathy Leibowitz, DDS
*Chairs are also members of the corresponding NYSDA Council