Dental Advocacy Efforts in 2020-21 Produce Results

Apr 8, 2024

Advocacy by state dental societies, working with the ADA, resulted in almost 100 dental insurance reform proposals in state legislatures in 2020-21, leading to 26 new laws in 16 states, according to ADA News. "In Washington, D.C., the ADA lobbies Congress and the administration, fighting for things that matter to dentists and the patients they serve," said David White, D.D.S., chair of the ADA Council on Government Affairs. "The ADA also provides advocacy advice and technical support to help state dental societies advance their respective policy agendas." Legislative victories include HB 359 in Utah, which requires dental insurers to make their policies fully transparent, and HB 1154 in North Dakota, which covers prior authorization of dental services, provider network leasing and retroactive denial of claim payments.

Read the Full Story: ADA News (9/20)