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Phishing Scam: Fake ADA Renewal Email

Apr 7, 2024

ADA Client Services was alerted regarded a phishing email asking dentists to renew their ADA membership. In this phishing scam, the sender appeared as "The ADA® <>” with a subject line of “Renew Your ADA Membership.” 

Beware! Always check the sender and the link before clicking on a link in an email.

In a Business Email Compromise (BEC) scam, the sender appears to be someone from your company or an organization with which you do business, but the domain name (the part of the email address after the @ sign) is incorrect or misspelled. The sender might be asking you a favor or instructing you to click a link. If you reply to the email, you will be communicating with the scammer.

When using a computer you can hover over the link in an email to check to see if it is a legitimate site or email address. In a Phishing Email, a website link will take you to an illegitimate site to collect your information or plant a virus on your computer. In a Phishing Email, an email link will send an email to the scammer. (Links in emails from Constant Contact have extra coding so they will not display the exact link. You can safely click the link if the Constant Contact email is from a trusted sender.)

In this ADA Renewal Phishing Email, the email address for "The ADA" is "". If it were really from the ADA, the email address would be ""

When in doubt, don't click the link! You can renew your membership dues by going to our NCDS website: or the NYSDA website: There you will find a safe link to renew your membership.