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NCDS Call for Nominations for 2022 Leadership Positions

Apr 7, 2024

The Nassau County Dental Society (NCDS) needs you! Here is your chance to help lead the Society dedicated to furthering the profession of dentistry. NCDS is currently seeking active, life or retired members to fill the following leadership positions.

               ELECTIVE OFFICERS:

President-Elect (ascending position; 1-year term)

Vice President (ascending position; 1-year term)

Secretary (ascending position; 1-year term)

Treasurer (non-ascending, can be re-elected in subsequent years; 1-year term)

Note: The Position of President-Elect automatically ascends to the position of President the following year

If no challenging nominations are received for the positions of President-Elect, Vice President, and Secretary, the 2020 officers ascend to their respective positions.


NCDS Directors (8 at-large positions; 3-year term)
*In accordance with NCDS's Constitution & Bylaws, The Board of Directors shall consist of twenty-four (24) directors, one-third of which shall be elected annually from the membership at-large.

NCDS Alternate Directors (up to 24 at-large positions; 3-year term)

Delegates to the New York State Dental Association (7 at-large positions out of 11 positions*; 1-year term) 
*In accordance with NCDS's Constitution & Bylaws, the President, President-Elect, Vice President and Immediate Past President shall serve as ex-officio delegates representing the Nassau County Dental Society in the House of Delegates of the New York State Dental Association.

Alternate Delegates to the New York State Dental Association (9 at-large positions out of 11 positions*; 1-year term)
*In accordance with NCDS's Constitution & Bylaws, the Secretary and Treasurer shall serve as ex-officio alternate delegates representing the Nassau County Dental Society in the House of Delegates of the New York State Dental Association.

Delegates to the American Dental Association (1 at-large position out of 3 positions*; 3-year term) 
*In accordance with NCDS's Constitution & Bylaws, no more than one delegate-nominee shall be elected in any year.

Alternate Delegates to the American Dental Association (1 at-large position out of 3 positions*; 1-year term)
*In accordance with NCDS's Constitution & Bylaws, the President-Elect shall serve ex-officio as the first alternate delegate nominated by this Society to represent the Second Trustee District in the House of Delegates of the American Dental Association. The Trustee is the second alternate delegate.

NCDS Council on Nominations (4 at-large positions elected by the general membership out of 8 positions*; 1-year term) 
*In accordance with NCDS's Constitution & Bylaws, the four most recent past presidents of the Society shall serve as ex-officio members of the Council with the most recent past president serving a Chair.

There are many benefits to serving as a volunteer leader, including:

Playing a significant role in advancing your profession

Having an opportunity to enhance the value of NCDS to the dental community

Accessing up-to-date information about the challenges facing your profession

Exchanging ideas and perspectives with other volunteer leaders

NCDS values and seeks a diverse pool of applicants to fill its leadership positions. It also seeks leaders from all types and sizes of dental offices. The Nominations Committee and Council of NCDS have identified a number of desirable attributes that will be part of the selection process for new Board members.

Applicants should possess:

Demonstrated leadership commitment and involvement with NCDS and the dental community. Examples include, but are not limited to, service on a NCDS committee, council, commission, task force and/or having obtained significant CE.

Recognized leader in the dental community. Examples include, but are not limited to, serving as chairman of an allied society, NCDS committee, council, commission or task force, or of a philanthropic organization.

Relevant expertise in the disciples of organizational dentistry. Examples include, but are not limited to, membership, education, component relations, finance and strategic alliances.

Commitment to participate in a majority of board meetings a year.

Positive leadership qualities, emotional intelligence, ability to work collaboratively and engage in appropriate debate and discussion when needed, and visionary and strategic drive.

Demonstrated ability of new and innovative programs within his/her sphere of influence. Examples include, but are not limited to, incorporating strategy, leadership, future focus, risk taking and an entrepreneurial spirit.

If you are interested in serving, or know of potential board members you would like to nominate, please send the nominee’s curriculum vitae and a letter indicating the position sought to: Dr. Eugene Porcelli, NCDS Executive Director at



All applicants must be confirmed as eligible by NCDS' Council on Nominations. The Council on Nominations will present its report to the general membership at the General Membership and Nominations Meeting on Monday, October 4, 2021, 7:00 PM tentatively scheduled to be held at the Jericho Terrace, 249 Jericho Turnpike, Mineola, NY. 

Those elective offices and positions that are contested will be decided by ballot at the General Membership and Elections Meeting held on Monday, November 8, 2021, 7:00 PM tentatively scheduled at the Jericho Terrace, 249 Jericho Turnpike, Mineola, NY.